Welcome to WAY Project
Whole-school Approach for Youth with migrant background (WAY) is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by the European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs (ECEPAA), a Belgian non-profit organization founded in 2011.
Whole-school Approach for Youth with migrant background (WAY) is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by the European Centre for Economic and Policy Analysis and Affairs (ECEPAA), a Belgian non-profit organization founded in 2011.
5000 +
7 =
Participating organization
20 +
Years of Experience
100 +
EU projects
Ecepaa Director
Ecepaa Member
IT Specialist
Red Incola
Assistant Porfessor
Phd Student
Phd Student
Whole-school Approach for Youth with migrant background
Rue des Foulons n.47, Bruxelles 1000
Mobile: (+32) 483419766